In a Fog
I think I start dreaming of other places when I am having hard days at work, or when I am just longing to wander...but even in my most content moments, I long for two places...Paris, of course, and San Francisco.
Several of my friends have requested updated pictures of Baxter, as I have commented lately on how gorgeous he has become. I hate that my camera can't capture just how adorable I think he is. His personality is so unique. I always say he is the happiest little animal I have ever seen. He romps around the house and just enjoys every minute. Unlike any other cat that I have EVER known, he NEVER hisses or spits, even when he is playing rough with Lilly. It's like he is just too happy!
I thought this morning as he pounced my head at 7:00am sharp, his morning wake-up ritual, that I cannot remember when he wasn't a part of our little family. I am quite sure Lucy can! She has never warmed to him.
Lilly is back to her old self, we are doing fluid treatments at the vet, and she is going to get an ultrasound in late March. Then, she will probably have to have surgery, but she is doing just fine. Her favorite activity (besides torturing Baxter) is chasing my toes under the covers at night.
We are all currently snuggled on the couch--the purring times three is so loud it makes me laugh.
Life is good.
-Kim >^..^<
What better antidote for stressful workdays than a day with a friend who makes you laugh? And I am not talking about a few giggles...I am talking laughing until your sides hurt.
I spent yesterday shopping with my friend Cassandra. We have known each other since high school. It is a bit of a long story, but I actually lived with her and her family for awhile. I was a quasi-exchange student attending a high school in another district about an hour and a half away from my dinky hometown. I was REALLY into theater in high school, and our county dropped its drama program, and I transferred schools.
Now, seeing as I have not become that famous actress I once planned on being, the best thing that came out of that whole arrangement was my friendship with Cassandra. Her whole family is hilarious. Cassandra and I lost touch for awhile, but once we picked back up, it was like we had never stopped talking.
Anyway, I thought several times yesterday when we were together that we regress a bit (in the best way) when we are together--we are right back in high school---finding the smallest things SO funny. I turn into a complete goofball, and we laugh nonstop. It is just too much fun. We have so many inside jokes that I am sure if anyone else was with us, we would drive them crazy.
I think my favorite moment yesterday was when, early in the shopping day, Cassandra got in line at Old Navy. We were at the Concord Mills Outlet Mall. Being a shopping veteran there, I know if you are planning on shopping for a long day there, you are going to need a cart. Suddenly, outside the store, I saw that someone had abandoned a very large blue shopping cart. I went to grab it and came rushing back in the store, very proud. Cassandra immediately said, "that's great-- why don't you wait for me outside the store with that?"
Now, let me pause here to tell you that embarrassing Cassandra is one of my most favorite things to do.
I did walk out of the store, but I was NOT going to let that little comment go. So, having brought my camera, I stood outside of the Old Navy glass window behind the cash registers and started zooming in on her when she got to the register, I let the flash pop, and started taking pictures. It got A LOT of attention. More than my big blue cart would have, I might add. I was laughing so hard, I could hardly hold the camera.
When she came out of the store, avoiding me for as long as possible, she was laughing, telling me that the cashier actually asked her. "Are you somebody?" (they thought she was famous--and that I was a "fan" taking a picture). I will laugh about that for weeks. (She was later very grateful for the big blue cart, by the way).
The possum pic would take too long to explain, but that is also an inside joke. The other picture was us enjoying lots of alcohol...I mean yummy Mexican food.
Last night after we got home I wondered how I survived through the times we were out of touch, because now there would be such a hole in my life without this friendship that brings me so much laughter and comfort.
-Kim >^..^<
For the past two weeks, I have been struggling with insomnia--even worse than my usual night owl habits. I have NOT been able to sleep. I know I am notorious for staying up late, but this has been different. I am talking NO sleep--being up until 5am, and dragging myself into work, late, late, late, and feeling horrible.
It didn't help that the past two weeks at work have been two of the most stressful since I started at the company a year ago. It has been nuts, and my nerves have been shot.
My doctor had called in a prescription, and my insurance company denied it. It took over a week for my doc to get that cleared up. I honestly didn't have much hope for it working, as I haven't had luck with any sleep medications before.
But, on Friday, I picked up the prescription, and took the first dose on Friday night. And finally-- I got a full night's sleep and woke up Saturday morning actually rested! It was amazing, I felt like a new person. I had so much energy, it was wonderful! So, thank goodness for Sonata--which is what I am taking.
Anyway, for those of you that thought I had dropped off the face of the earth lately, I have just been too tired or grumpy or busy at work to be social. Hopefully this week will be better!
-Kim >^..^<
Thanks to my friend Cassandra, I am now a frequent visitor and quasi-addict of a quirky website: It all started with her sending some pictures along from this site, and then I started checking it out, and that was it. I think you have to have a certain sense of humor to enjoy this as much as I do, and Cassandra and I defintely have the same funny bone!
Anyway, this site has a huge global following, and most of the pictures are of cats being funny, entertaining....cats. And the people who post are all animal lovers. There is a certain weird "language" they post in--and you have to get used to that, too. But it is all a crack up. I have spent way too much time on this site this weekend...but, hey, it's better than working, right?
I have posted three of my favorites from the site. The blinker one kills me. I have been laughing at that one all day today.
-Kim >^..^<
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